
Audience feedback is enormously valuable to any business or organization. Trumpia’s Text-to-Vote feature allows you to quickly poll your audience and learn more about what is important to them. All you have to do is create a simple text keyword, and you can launch a fun and interactive mobile poll that is both engaging for your audience and gives you great feedback for your business.

How it Works

  1. 01Subscriber texts the mobile keyword associated with your mobile voting campaign.
  2. 02They immediately receive a question and choices on their mobile phone.
  3. 03Subscriber replies back with just the number of the choice they want to vote for.
  4. 04Subscriber gets a customizable auto-response. This can even include a unique coupon based on what they vote for!

The Trumpia Advantage

  • Mobile KeywordsPromote a mobile keyword designed for mobile voting or "push" voting campaigns by sending SMS messages to increase participation.
  • Track ResultsEach voting option is segmented into its own distribution list for future targeted campaigns.
  • Control OptionsAsk a voting question with up to ten different voting choices to give your audience a range of options. Trumpia's system ensures that each mobile phone can only vote one time, keeping things fair and simple.
  • Gain SubscribersWith proper disclosure, you can automatically collect mobile numbers to use in future campaigns.
  • ReportingWith real-time reporting, you can instantly view voting results as they come in.

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