Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will subscribers receive multiple messages if they are listed in more than one of my distribution lists?
No, our system recognizes a contact that has been added to multiple distribution lists. If you send a message to two or more distribution lists that contain repeat contacts, those contacts will receive that message only once.
  1. 1. The text message was sent to a landline. Subscribers sometimes provide landline numbers, which cannot receive text messages. To help resolve this situation, we highly recommend that all customers use our “Filter landlines” feature, which is located under the Manage Contacts section. This feature will filter out landline numbers from your uploaded list of phone numbers.
  2. 2. Carriers are blocking third party messaging to subscribers' phone numbers. To help resolve this particular situation, the contacts must call their phone carriers and ask to allow third party messaging be to their phones.
  3. 3. The phone carrier is unsupported. Although we do support all major phone carriers and some smaller ones like Boost and Metro PC, some carriers do not support third party messaging. The same situation applies to prepaid phones.
Yes, because of the file sizes, there is a difference in text credit costs between SMS and MMS. A regular SMS text blast, which includes plain text and up to 160 characters, will cost 1 text credit per mobile number. An MMS text blast, which includes long text messages (exceeding 160 characters), picture, and video, will cost 3 text credits per mobile number.

Please note: Not all U.S. carriers and mobile devices support MMS.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) time restriction prevents any solicitation text messages before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m. local time. This is based on the mobile number's area code.

TCPA time restriction does not affect non-solicitation messages. If you are using the service for non-solicitation messages such as information, alerts, and/or employee communications, please provide the following:
  • Company name
  • Company website
  • Explanation how contacts are collected/opted-in
  • Explanation of what types of messages being sent. (Provide messages samples)
You can turn off the time restriction only for informational/non-solicitation messages.
To open a saved draft:
  1. 1. On the navigation bar, go to Message > Send Messages > Recent Messages.
  2. 2. This will open up your recent messages. Click on the draft message of your choice until it highlights blue.
  3. 3. Click on Open Saved Draft.
To change the SMS header on your messages, please do the following.

  1. 1. On the navigation bar, go to Account > Edit Organization Profile.
  2. 2. Select Add in the Verified Organization Name section.
  3. 3. Provide a reason why you would like to verify this organization name.
This organization name will now be available in the header of your messages. It is possible to change the SMS header when creating a keyword and sending a message.
You can easily add a template through the following steps.

  1. 1. Log in to your account.
  2. 2. Hover over the Manage tab.
  3. 3. Select Templates.
  4. 4. Select Create.
  5. 5. Fill in the name and description for your template, and select the message type for the template.
  6. 6. Enter your message if it is an SMS or social media message.
  7. 7. If it is an email template, upload an HTML file.
  8. 8. Select Save.
Appointment reminders allow you to schedule multiple messages. To send appointment reminders at different times:

  1. 1. On the navigation bar, hover over Message > Appointment Reminders > Appointment Reminders.
  2. 2. Click on the blue Add Reminders button found at the bottom right of the page.
  3. 3. Fill out the required steps.
  4. 4. Scroll down to Reminder Details.
  5. 5. On the Scheduled Reminders section, click on Add. This will open a window where you can set the Send Date & Time of each reminder. You can add multiple reminder details that are set to send on different dates and times.
  6. 6. Fill out the required steps and click on Add found on the bottom right of the window.
  7. 7. Click on Preview & Schedule.
  8. 8. The next page will show a summary of the appointment reminders you set.
  9. 9. Agree to the terms and click on Save & Schedule.
After a coupon campaign has been created, you will be provided with a redemption link that you can forward to any of your sales clerks. When contacts receive their coupon codes, which are unique to each mobile number, they can simply present the text message with the code to the clerk, and then the code and mobile number will be entered there at the redemption site.
To use the Send From Phone feature, follow these steps.
  • From the Manage tab, click on Utilities, then select Configure to Send From Phone.
  • If your phone hasn't been registered, add the phone number in the Registered Mobile Number field. Click Add to begin the verification process.
  • Once you have registered the mobile number, please choose the sending options: delivery methods and organization name. Check the box next to “Agree to Terms” and click Save.
  • Once your phone is registered, you can send messages to your distribution list directly from your phone via SMS. You will send the message to your short code in this format: ListName [Message]. For example, if you had a list called “VIPCustomers” and wanted to send them a message about a sale, your text would be as follows: VIPCustomers We are having a big sale this weekend!